[rekonq] Re: Keeping the bug tracker in sync

Benjamin Poulain benjamin.poulain at nokia.com
Thu Jan 20 19:54:27 CET 2011

On 01/20/2011 07:46 PM, ext Felix Rohrbach wrote:
> What do you guys think about this? I would volunteer to keep the bug tracker
> up to date (like after a mailing list/IRC discussion), but there are things
> everyone has to do (like reporting about problems while fixing), so I need your
> support for that.

I think your suggestions are great.

I do kind of a similar work with the WebKit bug tracker. I made a tool 
to notify me when a new bug is untriaged: 
http://gitorious.org/qtwebkitbugsnotificator (feel free to fork it for 
KDE bug tracker).

When a bug comes in, it appear on the list of untriaged. I open the bug, 
check if it looks valid, assign a priority, and add the keyword "Triaged".
When I know someone knows the code related to the bug, I add him in CC.

I think it is not a bad process. People reporting bugs get a priority 
for their bug quite quickly, and developers are mailed when they could 
help on a bug.
It is certainly not a perfect process, but the fast response to bug is 
good in my opinion.


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