[rekonq] Keeping the bug tracker in sync

Felix Rohrbach fxrh at gmx.de
Thu Jan 20 18:46:45 CET 2011

Hi all,

Today, I got the following answer to a bug report on bugs.kde.org:
"Thanks for your answers, it was something missing in rekonq development
(dialog between users and devs), and that really broke my motivation to report
bugs/features request :/"

I may have a wrong impression about that as I just joined this project, but I 
feel like this is true. We care about bug reports, we try to fix them and we 
discuss about them, but the reporter sees nothing of that. Sometimes I feel 
like we are hiding the development from the bug tracker. So I'd like us to 
keep the bug tracker in sync with our development:

1. If it's something that will take some time to fix, but we can reproduce the 
bug and we think it's important, it would be nice to say that we are working 
on it. We could use the flags UNCONFIRMED, NEW and ASSIGNED TO for that, too.

2. If there are any problems while fixing the bug and you stop working on it 
(e.g. some webkit dependencies or design problems), name them in the report. 
The reporter may not understand them, but he sees that there is some work, and 
other developers looking at the bug don't have to discover the problems, too.

3. If you don't want to implement some idea, or if you want to have it another 
way, please write that, too. The user does not need to wait any longer, he may 
give some reasons why this feature is needed, but even more important: 
Developers searching the bug tracker for things to work on won't spam review 
board with patches you don't want to merge. If you deny the request then, you 
have two angry guys: The reporter and the patch creator ;-)

What do you guys think about this? I would volunteer to keep the bug tracker 
up to date (like after a mailing list/IRC discussion), but there are things 
everyone has to do (like reporting about problems while fixing), so I need your 
support for that.


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