[rekonq] Re: Clear Button in URL bar

Emmanuel Surleau emmanuel.surleau at gmail.com
Fri Nov 19 21:10:04 CET 2010

> There are a lot of reasons about. And they are all in mailing list and IRC
> history. I truly think we cannot re-explain everything all the times.
> Today for the clear button, tomorrow for the menubar, another day for
> people asking why we are not using webkitpart...
> We took decisions. These are NOT JUST BASED on KDE HIGs or habits, but also
> considering what the most used browsers do.

I can understand your frustration that it comes back on the table. However, 
please do consider the following point. The most used browsers are:
- IE
- Firefox
- Chrome a distant third

Based on http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Usage_share_of_web_browsers

IE only works on Windows. Firefox and Chrome are multi-platform, but clearly 
focus on the platforms where they have the most users.

My point being, none of these browsers are Linux-centered. Rekonq is 
intrinsically linked to KDE, and will for the foreseeable future have most of 
its users on a Linux distribution. So, with regard to copy-paste, given the 
difference of platform, it is perfectly legitimate NOT to look at what the most 
used browsers, which are built (again, with regard to copy-paste) for different 
needs, do.



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