[rekonq] Re : Re : rekonq HomePage

Andrea Diamantini adjam7 at gmail.com
Wed Sep 16 09:59:12 CEST 2009

On Tuesday 15 September 2009 18:38:44 Lionel Chauvin wrote:
> Le mardi 15 septembre 2009 17:20:55, Andrea Diamantini a écrit :
> > oops.. I did it!
> > HomePageEmbedded branch.
> > Now I need RUNNING working.. I played a bit much with...
> > See you tomorrow.
> I will compile it when I will be at home.
> I looked the code.
> I give my opinion: I am not convinced by the html/css approach.
> If you only want place nine previews with a "table" layout: I think qt is
>  able to do that without html :). If you want allow the user to easily
>  personalize its HomePage, do not limit him with html/css, give him a
>  plasma containment.
> Anyway, this is not me who develop so consider this as an idea not as a
>  wish.

I'm looking at your mockup and considering your idea..

The table layout was a first (the simples) try for the HomePage.
In the HomePageEmbedded we are using a plain css style.

What I like of html/css is the fact that the render engine thinks about "quite 
all". And it's simple providing some new blocks..

Obviously using plasma containment, we can easily reuse code (news and rss, 
your mockup show the right targets..).
But we should provide some new rekonq-plasmoids to let see webpreviews and so 

uhm.. not sure..

Can you provide here some sort of "example-code" (some sites or dontknow what) 
to try this kind of approach?

Andrea Diamantini, adjam
GPG Fingerprint: 57DE 8E32 7D1A 0E16 AA52 59D8 84F9 3ECD DBF9 730F

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