[rekonq] Re : Re : Re : rekonq HomePage

Lionel Chauvin megabigbug at yahoo.fr
Wed Sep 16 13:20:54 CEST 2009

> I'm looking at your mockup and considering your idea..

I don't say this is the good way. I just say that it is an interesting way because other people do similar work outside the browser.

> The table layout was a first (the simples) try for the HomePage.
> In the HomePageEmbedded we are using a plain css style.
> What I like of html/css is the fact that the render engine thinks about
>  "quite all". And it's simple providing some new blocks..
I understand.
> Obviously using plasma containment, we can easily reuse code (news and rss,
> your mockup show the right targets..).

Other plasmoids could be useful: webmail notification for instance, social networks etc. 
I am convinced that this HomePage space is as legitimate as the desktop for this kind of informations.

> But we should provide some new rekonq-plasmoids to let see webpreviews and
>  so on..
> uhm.. not sure..

Yes, we can do new plasmoids, but Imo it should be easy to reuse code.

> Can you provide here some sort of "example-code" (some sites or dontknow
>  what) to try this kind of approach?
> Cheers,

I don't have example-code (I made the mockup using folderview and pictures ^^). 
I am just inspired by these blogs:


Perhaps we should invite them to the mailing list for advises.


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