Discussion for Virtual Desktops and Activities future

Michail Vourlakos mvourlakos at gmail.com
Fri Jul 13 22:05:51 BST 2018

I find it  very constructive in the discussion that everyone speaks its
mind in order to understand better what we are trying to accomplish
here. Based on that I think that there are some goals that almost
all agree.

G1: Simplify the Activities/VDs infrastructure for kwin and plasma desktop
in order to improve its maintenability

G2: Support workflows for groups A and B

G3: Improve the UI that Activities/VDs (MERGE) are presented to users

Based on G1-3 I think that we can see wayland as opportunity and not
as burden and improve the Activities/VDs area


Goals that are still communicated without reaching a "We all agree" state:

*G4: Support group C and not make them feel as a second citizen in Plasma
in comparison with groups A and B


2018-07-13 22:59 GMT+03:00 Marco Martin <notmart at gmail.com>:

> so there would be some desktops fused with an activity some not.
> the association could be 1:1 or m:n.. tough i see m:n would risk to
> gather again a very confusing ui

Marco and Nate, concerning the UI approach I have in my mind the following

Group A:
    - a. Pager should work as now
    - b. VDs switching/handling (small view), needs probably something like
the Activity Switcher
    - c. VDs switching/handling (big view), Present Desktops kwin effect is
really nice

Group B:
    - a. Pager should work as now
    - b. Activities switching/handling(small view), I think the current
Activity Switcher is just fine
    - c. Activities switching/handling (big view), Present Activities kwin
effect would be really rice

Group C:
    - a. Pager, probably the user just needs to choose between A and B
    - b. Activities/VDs switching handling (small view): maybe just a
column like the Activity Switcher is doing
    - c. Activities/VDs switching handling (big view):
There is already work on this :) from WorkFlow project in Plasma 4 era....
Mockup: http://i.imgur.com/uO1KYl.jpg
Implementation: http://i.imgur.com/1Z01D.jpg
Article that justifies the mockup:

There is a chance that b(s) for all groups can be the same UI that changes
accordingly and
c(s) the same kwin effect, there also some work on this area from :
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