Minutes Monday Plasma Meeting

Sebastian Kügler sebas at kde.org
Mon Oct 24 11:27:21 UTC 2016

Plasma meeting (IRC), 24-10-2016

Present: mgraesslin, romangg, bshah, d_ed, Sho, sebas

* move windows in widget style oxygen (D3096)
Diff 3096 "[kstyle] Implement window moving on Wayland" [Closed] https://
* New KWin internal API to get current cursor image (D3093)
Diff 3093 "Add a PlatformCursorImage to Platform and EffectsHandler" [Closed] 
* Track cursor shape changes on Wayland (D3095)
Diff 3095 "Implement cursor shape tracking on Wayland" [Closed] https://
* blur/background contrast effect on multi-screen (D3099, D3100, D3101)
Diff 3099 "Fix viewport restore in GLRenderTarget::popRenderTarget" [Closed] 
Diff 3100 "Expose GLRenderTarget::virtualScreenGeometry" [Closed] https://
Diff 3101 "Adjust blur and contrast for multi-output rendering on Wayland" 
[Closed] https://phabricator.kde.org/D3101
* Fix Wayland shadow for panel (D3109)
* Fix tooltips on Wayland for Systemsettings and KInfocenter (D3112, D3113)
Diff 3109 "[shell] Create panelshadow in surfacecreated event instead of show 
event" [Closed] https://phabricator.kde.org/D3109
Diff 3112 "Pass transient parent window to KToolTipWindow" [Closed] https://
Diff 3113 "Pass transient parent window to KToolTipWindow" [Closed] https://
things not yet merged/working on:
* Support capture cursor image in Screenshot effect (D3118)
Diff 3118 "[effects] Support capture cursor image in Screenshot effect" [Needs 
Review] https://phabricator.kde.org/D3118
* Show/hide cursor through Platform (D3119)
Diff 3119 "Add way to hide/show cursor in Platform" [Accepted] https://
* ... and use it in zoom effect (D3120)
Diff 3120 "[kwineffects] Add hide/show cursor to EffectsHandler" [Needs 
Review] https://phabricator.kde.org/D3120
* Remove runtime dependency on X11 from StartupFeedbackEffect (D3121)
Diff 3121 "Create KSelectionOwner in StartupFeedbackEffect only on X11" [Needs 
Review] https://phabricator.kde.org/D3121
* Implementation of a clipboard manager protocol for Klipper on Wayland - 
almost working
* ... found possible crashers in selection handling due to that (D3148, D3149, 
Diff 3148 "[server] Ensure we have a DataSource on the DataDevice in 
setSelection" [Needs Review] https://phabricator.kde.org/D3148
Diff 3149 "[server] Fix possible crash on creation of DataDevice" [Needs 
Review] https://phabricator.kde.org/D3149
Diff 3150 "[server] Fix crash on updating focused keyboard surface" [Needs 
Review] https://phabricator.kde.org/D3150
* Helped openSUSE workaround release blocking KWin freeze on nouveau resulted 
in D3132
* Investigated a Krita induced bug in KWin which triggered window movement - 
bug 371284. Seems to be caused by window decoration in combination with Krita 
opening maximized in a weird way.
Diff 3132 "[platformx/x11] Add a freeze protection against OpenGL" [Needs 
Review] https://phabricator.kde.org/D3132
KDE bug 371284 in kwin (general) "Kwin hinders brush cursor in krita making 
the window move while painting" [grave,] https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?
Note: once we use Wayland by default every crash fix in KWayland::Server must 
get  a security advisory in case the crash can be hit from the client
Updated Plasma on Wayland TODO board (https://todo.kde.org/?
controller=board&action=show&project_id=2 )
And something for discussion
Krita disables breeze and switches to fusion. Apparently there are issues, but 
they are not reported. I don't like workarounds and want the issues to be 
fixes. Should we override this again in Plasma/5.9 and communicate this to 
Krita, so that the issues get fixed? We only need to export:
Alternative would be to really, really override in QPT plugin in ways that 
Krita cannot hack around by setting a different env variable.

* committed my patch for small qml lockscreen improvements: https://
  Diff 3055 "Small polishing changes to the lockscreen lookandfeel package" 
[Closed] https://phabricator.kde.org/D3055
* committed other patch, which makes the launchers close on meta again: 
https://git.reviewboard.kde.org/r/129204/  https://phabricator.kde.org/D3079
  Diff 3079 "Adapt Dashboard: Connect to new toggled signal instead of 
activated signal in order to initiate state change" [Closed] https://
* looked into the touchpad kcm... -> next task
  was thinking, what else needs to be done for wayland working as a daily 
driver... (no crash on logout,... ) for discussion :P

- mainly work on initial boot for plasma mobile
- had excellent idea on how to remove need for lxc
- doesn't seem to work as it should, investigating

* Worked on widget gallery in App Dash, planning to submit for initial review 
this week
* Yakuake rewrite work

* I've been doing some SDDM work

- spent some time on Plasma in resizing VMs bug
  - problem is that kscreen assumes modes of an output never change
  - D3117 is one important step in that direction)
  - D2155 is another, but the jury is still out on that
  - I'm working on reproducing the issue, but haven't figured that out 
entirely, yet
- triaging old kscreen bugs (we're in the 140 range, I want that cleaned up 
before the year ends)
- blogged about our plans at https://vizzzion.org/blog/2016/10/plasmas-road-ahead/ , was very well received


http://www.kde.org | http://vizZzion.org
-------------- next part --------------
Plasma meeting (IRC), 24-10-2016

Present: mgraesslin, romangg, bshah, d_ed, Sho, sebas

* move windows in widget style oxygen (D3096)
Diff 3096 "[kstyle] Implement window moving on Wayland" [Closed] https://phabricator.kde.org/D3096
* New KWin internal API to get current cursor image (D3093)
Diff 3093 "Add a PlatformCursorImage to Platform and EffectsHandler" [Closed] https://phabricator.kde.org/D3093
* Track cursor shape changes on Wayland (D3095)
Diff 3095 "Implement cursor shape tracking on Wayland" [Closed] https://phabricator.kde.org/D3095
* blur/background contrast effect on multi-screen (D3099, D3100, D3101)
Diff 3099 "Fix viewport restore in GLRenderTarget::popRenderTarget" [Closed] https://phabricator.kde.org/D3099
Diff 3100 "Expose GLRenderTarget::virtualScreenGeometry" [Closed] https://phabricator.kde.org/D3100
Diff 3101 "Adjust blur and contrast for multi-output rendering on Wayland" [Closed] https://phabricator.kde.org/D3101
* Fix Wayland shadow for panel (D3109)
* Fix tooltips on Wayland for Systemsettings and KInfocenter (D3112, D3113)
Diff 3109 "[shell] Create panelshadow in surfacecreated event instead of show event" [Closed] https://phabricator.kde.org/D3109
Diff 3112 "Pass transient parent window to KToolTipWindow" [Closed] https://phabricator.kde.org/D3112
Diff 3113 "Pass transient parent window to KToolTipWindow" [Closed] https://phabricator.kde.org/D3113
things not yet merged/working on:
* Support capture cursor image in Screenshot effect (D3118)
Diff 3118 "[effects] Support capture cursor image in Screenshot effect" [Needs Review] https://phabricator.kde.org/D3118
* Show/hide cursor through Platform (D3119)
Diff 3119 "Add way to hide/show cursor in Platform" [Accepted] https://phabricator.kde.org/D3119
* ... and use it in zoom effect (D3120)
Diff 3120 "[kwineffects] Add hide/show cursor to EffectsHandler" [Needs Review] https://phabricator.kde.org/D3120
* Remove runtime dependency on X11 from StartupFeedbackEffect (D3121)
Diff 3121 "Create KSelectionOwner in StartupFeedbackEffect only on X11" [Needs Review] https://phabricator.kde.org/D3121
* Implementation of a clipboard manager protocol for Klipper on Wayland - almost working
* ... found possible crashers in selection handling due to that (D3148, D3149, D3150)
Diff 3148 "[server] Ensure we have a DataSource on the DataDevice in setSelection" [Needs Review] https://phabricator.kde.org/D3148
Diff 3149 "[server] Fix possible crash on creation of DataDevice" [Needs Review] https://phabricator.kde.org/D3149
Diff 3150 "[server] Fix crash on updating focused keyboard surface" [Needs Review] https://phabricator.kde.org/D3150
* Helped openSUSE workaround release blocking KWin freeze on nouveau resulted in D3132
* Investigated a Krita induced bug in KWin which triggered window movement - bug 371284. Seems to be caused by window decoration in combination with Krita opening maximized in a weird way.
Diff 3132 "[platformx/x11] Add a freeze protection against OpenGL" [Needs Review] https://phabricator.kde.org/D3132
KDE bug 371284 in kwin (general) "Kwin hinders brush cursor in krita making the window move while painting" [grave,] https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=371284
Note: once we use Wayland by default every crash fix in KWayland::Server must get  a security advisory in case the crash can be hit from the client
Updated Plasma on Wayland TODO board (https://todo.kde.org/?controller=board&action=show&project_id=2 )
And something for discussion
Krita disables breeze and switches to fusion. Apparently there are issues, but they are not reported. I don't like workarounds and want the issues to be fixes. Should we override this again in Plasma/5.9 and communicate this to Krita, so that the issues get fixed? We only need to export:
Alternative would be to really, really override in QPT plugin in ways that Krita cannot hack around by setting a different env variable.

* committed my patch for small qml lockscreen improvements: https://phabricator.kde.org/D3055
  Diff 3055 "Small polishing changes to the lockscreen lookandfeel package" [Closed] https://phabricator.kde.org/D3055
* committed other patch, which makes the launchers close on meta again: https://git.reviewboard.kde.org/r/129204/  https://phabricator.kde.org/D3079
  Diff 3079 "Adapt Dashboard: Connect to new toggled signal instead of activated signal in order to initiate state change" [Closed] https://phabricator.kde.org/D3079
* looked into the touchpad kcm... -> next task
  was thinking, what else needs to be done for wayland working as a daily driver... (no crash on logout,... ) for discussion :P

- mainly work on initial boot for plasma mobile
- had excellent idea on how to remove need for lxc
- doesn't seem to work as it should, investigating

* Worked on widget gallery in App Dash, planning to submit for initial review this week
* Yakuake rewrite work

* I've been doing some SDDM work

- spent some time on Plasma in resizing VMs bug
  - problem is that kscreen assumes modes of an output never change
  - D3117 is one important step in that direction)
  - D2155 is another, but the jury is still out on that
  - I'm working on reproducing the issue, but haven't figured that out entirely, yet
- triaging old kscreen bugs (we're in the 140 range, I want that cleaned up before the year ends)
- blogged about our plans at https://vizzzion.org/blog/2016/10/plasmas-road-ahead/ , was very well received

IRC Log:

[12:01:00] <sebas> ok, so meeting ...
[12:01:16] <sebas> mgraesslin, romangg, Sho, then me
[12:01:17] <-- KurousagiMK2 (~Kurousagi at has quit (Quit: power off...)
[12:01:23] <mgraesslin> ok, things merged:
[12:01:24] <sebas> and whoever else arrives in the meantime
[12:01:27] <mgraesslin> * move windows in widget style oxygen (D3096)
[12:01:27] <sKreamer> Diff 3096 "[kstyle] Implement window moving on Wayland" [Closed] https://phabricator.kde.org/D3096
[12:01:28] <mgraesslin> * New KWin internal API to get current cursor image (D3093)
[12:01:28] <sKreamer> Diff 3093 "Add a PlatformCursorImage to Platform and EffectsHandler" [Closed] https://phabricator.kde.org/D3093
[12:01:30] <mgraesslin> * Track cursor shape changes on Wayland (D3095)
[12:01:30] <sKreamer> Diff 3095 "Implement cursor shape tracking on Wayland" [Closed] https://phabricator.kde.org/D3095
[12:01:31] <mgraesslin> * blur/background contrast effect on multi-screen (D3099, D3100, D3101)
[12:01:31] <sKreamer> Diff 3099 "Fix viewport restore in GLRenderTarget::popRenderTarget" [Closed] https://phabricator.kde.org/D3099
[12:01:31] <sKreamer> Diff 3100 "Expose GLRenderTarget::virtualScreenGeometry" [Closed] https://phabricator.kde.org/D3100
[12:01:32] <sKreamer> Diff 3101 "Adjust blur and contrast for multi-output rendering on Wayland" [Closed] https://phabricator.kde.org/D3101
[12:01:33] <mgraesslin> * Fix Wayland shadow for panel (D3109)
[12:01:34] <mgraesslin> * Fix tooltips on Wayland for Systemsettings and KInfocenter (D3112, D3113)
[12:01:35] <sKreamer> Diff 3109 "[shell] Create panelshadow in surfacecreated event instead of show event" [Closed] https://phabricator.kde.org/D3109
[12:01:38] <sKreamer> Diff 3112 "Pass transient parent window to KToolTipWindow" [Closed] https://phabricator.kde.org/D3112
[12:01:41] <sKreamer> Diff 3113 "Pass transient parent window to KToolTipWindow" [Closed] https://phabricator.kde.org/D3113
[12:01:59] <mgraesslin> things not yet merged/working on:
[12:02:03] <mgraesslin> * Support capture cursor image in Screenshot effect (D3118)
[12:02:03] <sKreamer> Diff 3118 "[effects] Support capture cursor image in Screenshot effect" [Needs Review] https://phabricator.kde.org/D3118
[12:02:05] <mgraesslin> * Show/hide cursor through Platform (D3119)
[12:02:05] <sKreamer> Diff 3119 "Add way to hide/show cursor in Platform" [Accepted] https://phabricator.kde.org/D3119
[12:02:06] <mgraesslin> * ... and use it in zoom effect (D3120)
[12:02:06] <sKreamer> Diff 3120 "[kwineffects] Add hide/show cursor to EffectsHandler" [Needs Review] https://phabricator.kde.org/D3120
[12:02:08] <mgraesslin> * Remove runtime dependency on X11 from StartupFeedbackEffect (D3121)
[12:02:08] <sKreamer> Diff 3121 "Create KSelectionOwner in StartupFeedbackEffect only on X11" [Needs Review] https://phabricator.kde.org/D3121
[12:02:09] <mgraesslin> * Implementation of a clipboard manager protocol for Klipper on Wayland - almost working
[12:02:11] <mgraesslin> * ... found possible crashers in selection handling due to that (D3148, D3149, D3150)
[12:02:11] <sKreamer> Diff 3148 "[server] Ensure we have a DataSource on the DataDevice in setSelection" [Needs Review] https://phabricator.kde.org/D3148
[12:02:11] <sKreamer> Diff 3149 "[server] Fix possible crash on creation of DataDevice" [Needs Review] https://phabricator.kde.org/D3149
[12:02:11] <sKreamer> Diff 3150 "[server] Fix crash on updating focused keyboard surface" [Needs Review] https://phabricator.kde.org/D3150
[12:02:12] <mgraesslin> * Helped openSUSE workaround release blocking KWin freeze on nouveau resulted in D3132
[12:02:14] <mgraesslin> * Investigated a Krita induced bug in KWin which triggered window movement - bug 371284. Seems to be caused by window decoration in combination with Krita opening maximized in a weird way.
[12:02:14] <sKreamer> Diff 3132 "[platformx/x11] Add a freeze protection against OpenGL" [Needs Review] https://phabricator.kde.org/D3132
[12:02:19] <sKreamer> KDE bug 371284 in kwin (general) "Kwin hinders brush cursor in krita making the window move while painting" [grave,] https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=371284
[12:02:30] <mgraesslin> Note: once we use Wayland by default every crash fix in KWayland::Server must get  a security advisory in case the crash can be hit from the client
[12:02:40] <mgraesslin> Updated Plasma on Wayland TODO board (https://todo.kde.org/?controller=board&action=show&project_id=2 )
[12:02:49] <mgraesslin> And something for discussion
[12:02:58] <mgraesslin> Krita disables breeze and switches to fusion. Apparently there are issues, but they are not reported. I don't like workarounds and want the issues to be fixes. Should we override this again in Plasma/5.9 and communicate this to Krita, so that the issues get fixed? We only need to export:
[12:02:59] <mgraesslin> KRITA_NO_STYLE_OVERRIDE=1
[12:03:01] <mgraesslin> Alternative would be to really, really override in QPT plugin in ways that Krita cannot hack around by setting a different env variable.
[12:03:40] <sebas> Flood warning. :)
[12:03:45] <Sho_> I don't think we should actively work against another KDE team
[12:03:48] <sebas> romangg: your turn
[12:03:51] <Sho_> we're in the same community so we should talk together
[12:03:55] <mgraesslin> Sho_: that's what they are doing as well
[12:04:03] <mgraesslin> they destroy our consistent styling
[12:04:11] <mgraesslin> and that by not even communicating the issues
[12:04:13] <Sho_> yes, but eye for an eye is also crap
[12:04:16] <Sho_> if they're dumb, let's be smarter
[12:04:17] <sebas> perhaps we should simply talk with each other?
[12:04:19] <mgraesslin> no, that's not what I said
[12:04:26] <sebas> communicating over source code in releases sounds kinda lame
[12:04:26] <Sho_> yep
[12:04:27] <mgraesslin> I said we export the env variable
[12:04:31] <einar77_work> Sho_: unfortunately the Krita people aren't too keen in fixing lib issues, they assume they should not care FYI
[12:04:34] <mgraesslin> and inform them about that change
[12:04:52] <mgraesslin> if they have issues with breeze we promise to fix them till Plasma/5.9 gets released
[12:05:02] <sebas> I disagree, we can do better than that
[12:05:07] <sebas> it will only create bad blood
[12:05:08] <Sho_> I don't like exporting it without communicating /first/
[12:05:16] <Sho_> showing done deals to people makes them defensive
[12:05:17] <einar77_work> mgraesslin: FTR, digikam has the same issue, but it can be switched with a cmake option
[12:05:39] <mgraesslin> I asked for the issues: no reply
[12:05:49] <sebas> usually, as soon as digikam enters the game as example, something is wrong :P
[12:05:51] <mgraesslin> check the bug report I linked above
[12:06:15] <sebas> it could be brought up on the community list, or perhaps someone volunteers to talk to boud?
[12:06:22] <mgraesslin> we need to resolve the issue, Krita *must* use breeze on our platform
[12:06:31] <mgraesslin> and I don't mind creating pressure if it has to be
[12:06:42] <mgraesslin> but yes we should communicate first
[12:06:46] <sebas> I think it's wrong at this point and unnecessary confrontational
[12:06:57] <Sho_> I also don't like exporting env vars for individual apps from an engineering POV
[12:07:05] <mgraesslin> I think disabling breeze was unnecessary confrontation
[12:07:08] <romangg> what's their reason for not using breeze?
[12:07:14] <mgraesslin> "issues"
[12:07:15] <Sho_> let's just contact boud
[12:07:18] <sebas> yes, it creates a precedence for a road we surely don't want to go down
[12:07:38] <sebas> (env vars per app)
[12:07:41] <mgraesslin> can we agree as a last ressort to just force on if we don't get the issues communicated?
[12:08:03] <sebas> as a last measure, that's fine
[12:08:06] <einar77_work> mgraesslin: it would just widen the gap with "app devs will not care about libs" though
[12:08:08] <sebas> but we're far away from that
[12:08:09] <Sho_> yes
[12:08:10] <Sho_> but we're not there yet imho
[12:08:13] <einar77_work> I wouldn't want a Calibre in KDE
[12:08:28] <Sho_> i realize you spent more time on this than we did, so you may be mentally closer to "last resort"
[12:08:28] <einar77_work> (that's the quintessence of "I don't want to fix libs, I like workarounds")
[12:08:34] <Sho_> but give us time to catch up ;)
[12:08:49] <sebas> I like the cynic tone in that :-)
[12:09:01] <sebas> ok, should we move on?
[12:09:23] <mgraesslin> there is bug 361811
[12:09:23] <sKreamer> KDE bug 361811 in Breeze (QStyle) "Breeze causes hangs and crashes in Krita" [normal,] https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=361811
[12:09:40] <mgraesslin> all we have there is " Dmitry confirms there are still problems with it"
[12:10:41] <mgraesslin> btw. krita using fusion breaks code I added especially for Krita
[12:10:49] <mgraesslin> and which boud was very happy about that I added it
[12:10:55] <sebas> the color theme override?
[12:10:58] <mgraesslin> yes
[12:11:19] <mgraesslin> and that feels to me like a punch in my face, that they then disable breeze without communicating the issues
[12:11:21] <mgraesslin> but well...
[12:11:28] <mgraesslin> next :-)
[12:11:31] <sebas> I see that Sho is already talking to boud ... so let's move on here
[12:11:40] <sebas> romangg: your turn (again, now for realz)
[12:11:45] <romangg> ok!
[12:11:47] <romangg> committed my patch for small qml lockscreen improvements: https://phabricator.kde.org/D3055
[12:11:48] <sKreamer> Diff 3055 "Small polishing changes to the lockscreen lookandfeel package" [Closed] https://phabricator.kde.org/D3055
[12:11:54] <romangg> committed other patch, which makes the launchers close on meta again: https://git.reviewboard.kde.org/r/129204/  https://phabricator.kde.org/D3079
[12:11:54] <sKreamer> Diff 3079 "Adapt Dashboard: Connect to new toggled signal instead of activated signal in order to initiate state change" [Closed] https://phabricator.kde.org/D3079
[12:12:12] <romangg> looked into the touchpad kcm... -> next task
[12:12:22] <romangg> was thinking, what else needs to be done for wayland working as a daily driver... (no crash on logout,... )
[12:12:32] <romangg> for discussion :P
[12:12:33] <bshah> hello, is meeting stillgoing on?
[12:12:37] <mgraesslin> bshah: yes
[12:13:03] <romangg> and virtual desktop support!!
[12:13:17] <romangg> anything else very important?
[12:13:22] <bshah> sebas: please add me to queue though would take slight time to fix up notes.. (had powercut)
[12:13:31] <sebas> bshah: done
[12:13:38] <sebas> you're after me
[12:14:08] <mgraesslin> romangg: if you see something which is still important and not yet on the todo board: please add there
[12:14:21] <romangg> ok and mgraesslin: the fix for meta+shift+key on wayland doesn't seem to work.
[12:14:46] <romangg> gives me sW for example when pressing meta+shift+w
[12:14:51] <romangg> but that's all for me.
[12:14:53] <Sho_> my wifi is dead, gonna be a bit sorry
[12:15:03] <mgraesslin> romangg: please report another bug
[12:15:08] <Sho_> I said more on the Krita thing that didn't go through
[12:15:11] <Sho_> grrrrr
[12:16:21] <sebas> okay, so my turn, then bshah, then Sho?
[12:16:30] <sebas> - spent some time on Plasma in resizing VMs bug
[12:16:30] <sebas>   - problem is that kscreen assumes modes of an output never change
[12:16:30] <sebas>   - D3117 is one important step in that direction)
[12:16:30] <sebas>   - D2155 is another, but the jury is still out on that
[12:16:30] <sebas>   - I'm working on reproducing the issue, but haven't figured that out entirely, yet
[12:16:30] <sebas> - triaging old kscreen bugs (we're in the 140 range, I want that cleaned up before the year ends)
[12:16:30] <sebas> - blogged about our plans at https://vizzzion.org/blog/2016/10/plasmas-road-ahead/ , was very well received
[12:16:30] <sKreamer> Diff 3117 "allow changing an output's modelist at runtime
[12:16:30] <sKreamer> This should fix running Plasma in a windowed virtual machine, when the window is
[12:16:30] <sKreamer> resized, the mode list changes, and libksreen can't currently handle that." [Closed] https://phabricator.kde.org/D3117
[12:16:30] <sKreamer> Diff 2155 "kded: fix up invalid current mode before saving" [Needs Review] https://phabricator.kde.org/D2155
[12:17:43] <sebas> bshah: ready?
[12:17:56] <bshah> yes.. moment
[12:18:09] <sebas> sure
[12:18:16] <sebas> Sho_: in case you're ready...
[12:18:30] <bshah> ok
[12:18:38] <Sho_> ready
[12:18:43] <sebas> then you win!
[12:18:50] <Sho_> first of, re krita:
[12:18:54] <Sho_> ‎[19:08] ‎<‎Sho_‎>‎ but give us time to catch up ;)
[12:18:55] <Sho_> ‎[19:09] ‎<‎Sho_‎>‎ anyway
[12:18:55] <Sho_> ‎[19:10] ‎<‎Sho_‎>‎ i'll reach out to boud, and ask him if the krita team can put some work into collecting the issues they have and communicating them, so we can fix them
[12:18:56] <Sho_> ‎[19:10] ‎<‎Sho_‎>‎ if they're dismissive i'll remind them we're part of the same community and it would be nice if they could help us out, and help us help them
[12:18:57] <Sho_> ‎[19:10] ‎<‎Sho_‎>‎ if that gets us nowhere, we'll see
[12:18:59] <Sho_> ‎[19:11] ‎<‎Sho_‎>‎ (did my wifi die?)
[12:19:02] <Sho_> ‎[19:12] ‎<‎Sho_‎>‎ (yes, my wifi died)
[12:19:04] <d_ed> (RE: Krita, apparently the dockers can lock up the app, it was in https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=361811. There's no linked bug on krita's bugzilla though)
[12:19:04] <sKreamer> KDE bug 361811 in Breeze (QStyle) "Breeze causes hangs and crashes in Krita" [normal,] https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=361811
[12:19:15] <ripper17> join /windows
[12:19:17] <ripper17> sorry
[12:19:18] <Sho_> hastily retyped cliff notes:
[12:19:21] <Sho_> * Worked on widget gallery in App Dash, planning to submit for initial review this week
[12:19:22] <Sho_> * Yakuake rewrite work
[12:19:31] <Sho_> also
[12:19:34] <Sho_> * Spent a lot of time reading mgraesslin's enviably long meeting notes
[12:19:46] <Sho_> done()
[12:19:49] <sebas> d_ed: want to be enqueued?
[12:19:53] <sebas> I almost forgot, can anyone run this meeting on my behalf next monday?
[12:20:06] <bshah> sebas: I can
[12:20:07] <Sho_> yup
[12:20:07] <sebas> diving, Egypt, you know the deal
[12:20:13] <sebas> bshah: tag, you're it! (Thx!)
[12:20:15] <Sho_> i'll let bshah do it
[12:20:18] <Sho_> since i got the other meetings ;)
[12:20:24] <sebas> exactly :)
[12:20:24] <bshah> okay.. so now my turn
[12:20:26] <sebas> thanks guys
[12:20:29] <sebas> </administrative>
[12:20:30] <bshah> - mainly work on initial boot for plasma mobile
[12:20:32] <bshah> - had excellent idea on how to remove need for lxc
[12:20:34] <bshah> - doesn't seem to work as it should, investigating
[12:20:36] <bshah> done..
[12:21:00] <bshah> sorry not much details about idea itself in notes, but notes are prepared in slight hurry
[12:21:05] <d_ed> me: I've been doing some SDDM work.
[12:21:33] <sebas> speaking of cliff: notmart fell off one?
[12:21:37] <sebas> d_ed: noted, thanks
[12:21:50] <d_ed> his Facebook showed him being on a plane somewhere
[12:22:38] <sebas> I've probably missed something
[12:22:46] <sebas> anyway, I think we're done?
[12:23:13] <mgraesslin> looks like it
[12:23:33] <mgraesslin> important: next week daylight saving times ends
[12:23:44] <bshah> Sho_: sebas: actually scratch my name of meeting operator for next week
[12:23:56] <bshah> I just realized its Diwali and new year
[12:24:00] <mgraesslin> so for non Europeans: the time slot might change: bshah, Sho_
[12:24:21] <bshah> mgraesslin: ugh... I hate this
[12:24:21] <Sho_> ah yeah indeed, thanks mgraesslin
[12:24:28] <mgraesslin> no it's still two months to new year ;-)
[12:24:32] <Sho_> sebas: I'll do the Monday meet
[12:25:01] <sebas> okay, cool :)

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