Minutes Monday Plasma Meeting

Sebastian Kügler sebas at kde.org
Mon Jun 13 13:20:30 UTC 2016

Minutes Plasma 'hangout', 13-6-2016, 12:00 CET

Present: mgraesslin, bshah, notmart, Sho, kbroulik, sebas, Riddell

* lost my notes for second last week due to X crashing
* many bug fixes which are open on phab, please review I want them integrated 
soon as I need to do more fixes which will build up on them
* integrated Plasma Wallpaper plugins into kscreenlocker (https://
phabricator.kde.org/D1800 ), currently still missing features
** default image as defined in LNF
** config migration from custom wallpaper to wallpaper plugin

* attending store meeting
* systray gives applets a screen
* Kirigami: better logic and explicit api for the "reachable" mode (all ui 
slides down)
  ** a new component for a toolbar in the header: to be used only in desktop 
  ** rework of pagerow logic: was too complex, now all columns are the same 
size, should be more reliable, should resize more smoothly

* working getting the freedreno driver to work on Nexus 5
  * involves much hardware hacking and soldering
* structure in phab now supports subprojects, see https://phabricator.kde.org/

* Improvements for Pager: don't update the models when not visible, found that 
it resets the model whenever I move a window or focus changes...
* Other Pager changes: lists minimized windows in tooltips now, better scales 
with dpi, if desktop KCM is restriced through KIO won't offer adding/removing 
virtual desktops
* Added regexp launcher matching for Task Manager, Chrome WebApps now behave 
like standalone apps
* Various fixes for Telepathy Desktop Applets (better keyboard navigation, 
copy url/text context menu etc)
* Fixed PanelShadows so panels only have shadows on the sides you can actually 
see (also prevents shadows bleeding onto other screens) and also fixes 
panelcontroller slide animation

- Implemented many small requests from the libtaskmanager/Task Manager reviews
  -- Notable: Optimization to avoid reparsing taskmanagerrulesrc on every new 
X11 window, fix reacting to activity from/to running state changes, 
multiscreen fixes
- Implemented app data cache wipes on KSycoca changes, immediately reflecting 
e.g. relevant icons on kmenuedit changes in Task Manager for the first time 
ever in any KDE/Plasma version
- Tweaked launcher/window equivalence matching to handle .desktop path changes 
(e.g. due to kmenuedit detaching from system file) better
- Fixed applet status handling when any task demands attention (important as 
it factors into panel autohide)
- Fixed regressions in Task Manager layout code and initially exporting the 
delegate minimize geometry
- MERGED \o/
- Various fixes after merge, e.g. some subtle model hygiene bugs
- Sent mail to kde-i18n-doc to inform them to prioritize the new context menu 
strings for the TM applet -
- Added some string context on translator request
- Talked to the KMail people to fix their WM_CLASS to make jump lists work for 
them, they might rename their .desktop
- Still working on finishing the Netrunner TM fork feature stuff -
- not sure anymore about making freeze -
- but filed some early review for part of it today
- Conversations with Martin about TM-on-Wayland improvement vectors
- Looked a little into plasmashell's extremely noisy debug output

- 5.6.5 tagging tomorrow, bugfixing should go in now
- Qt dep bumped to 5.6.1 to master

* attended store meeting
* libkscreen fixes and bug triaging
* libkscreen dep bumped to
* want to look into docking station with laptops
* to test latest Plasma Phone
* lots of open reviews to do


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