From Grub to Shutdown project update

Harald Sitter sitter at
Tue Jul 26 09:58:12 UTC 2016

On Mon, Jul 25, 2016 at 12:24 PM, Jens Reuterberg <jensreu at> wrote:

done in 'redesign' branch on git.
- spacing needs recalculating as the theme now won't fit on < 700px height
- also switched from noto to unifont as discussed previously as the
lack of AA is making most fonts look incredibly bad
- we haven't managed to figure out how to do translations for this yet :/


done in 'redesign' branch on git.
- do we animate anything on shutdown?
- busy indication is probably needed for long boots. for now, I
removed the spinner we had previously
- text theme still needs updating, but that's only default colors
since we haven't done any theming there anyway

video that doesn't reflect the changes very well. it looks incredibly
gorgeous on highres, try it!


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