Selecting a Plasma logo

Ivan Čukić ivan.cukic at
Mon Aug 22 21:59:12 UTC 2016

I'll chime in as well.

First of all the main problem I have with this 'searching for the new
logo' is that we are not really searching for the new Plasma logo, but
an icon that could replace the k-gear one

1: the last version seems interesting, but I'm not sure I'd want it
for the launcher.

2 - great idea, but generic (and even worse as the icon).

3 - again, a nice idea, but I don't find it visually appealing (though
it might serve as an icon for KWin)

4 - as a logo great, as a launcher icon... not really

5 - looks mashed up

6 - I agree with Marco that this one looks best. Though, still not
sure it is good enough, and how nice it is for the launcher icon

9 - This one looks strangely nice as the icon when rotated 45 degrees
(see the file linked on the bottom - blue background, next to logo 4)
but I don't like it as the logo

I don't really find the rest to be able to compete with the above ones.

I honestly don't think we should rush this for 5.8, we need more ideas.


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