RFC: Put notifications in sidepanel like widget explorer

Martin Klapetek martin.klapetek at gmail.com
Tue Oct 20 20:33:21 UTC 2015

On Tue, Oct 20, 2015 at 4:16 PM, Marco Martin <notmart at gmail.com> wrote:

> On Tuesday 20 October 2015, Martin Klapetek wrote:
> > Basically the idea is to reinvent the notifications in Plasma a bit
> > and create a kind of notification center.
> >
> > My plan would be to get a VDG design and then work on it for
> > Plasma 5.6.
> >
> > Thoughts?
> I'm not sure, iirc at a sprint earlier this year we talked about something
> like that, but was for all the applets that are right now in the
> systray(plus
> eventually random applets the user wants to stuff here in that sidepanel).
> I have tought about it since then, but never followed up on that since i
> can't
> really figure out how it may work.
> would it be just notifications? would it there be the other applets as
> well?

For now, just notifications. Opening it for other applets would make it
new system tray I fear. Although, that might not be a bad idea either, but
for now, only notifications.

> in the case of notifications, when there is none or just a couple, would
> there
> be a desolate field of emptyness in the sidebar?

Yeah, probably. Which wouldn't have to be a bad thing though.

> (and when the panel is at the
> bottom, would they be at the top having a long travel distance? or at the
> bottom looking strange?and when the panel is in a different edge
> altogether?
> note that on the mac all those questions are far easier, as the panel is
> always fixed at the top)

I would put it from bottom-to-top when panel is at the bottom edge
and top-to-bottom ordering in top panel setups. Just like the floating
popups work now. In other panel cases, dunno, we'd have to settle
on a default.

> It's for sure an interesting idea to be explored, but has a lot of
> questions
> to be answeredboth on the ui and technical sides

Absolutely, just the discussion needs to be started at some point :)
So first I'd like to collect opinions and thoughts and only then I'd
proceed to request mockups and stuff.

Martin Klapetek | KDE Developer
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