RFC: activity pager in kdeplasma-addons

Ivan Čukić ivan.cukic at kde.org
Tue Oct 20 09:41:05 UTC 2015

I don't see how it could turn out to be a problem.

While the default switcher (and all around it) is going to be more
focused on the workflow that we (with VDG) have chosen, I am not
against people using activities in their own way.

The only problematic part I see is that it communicates that
activities are about windows which we are trying to avoid.

It would be nice if it:
- showed the activity icons on the pages
- had activity configuration (kcmshell5 activities) in the context
menu instead of add/remove virtual desktop :P
- I would rather not have add/remove activity context items
- showing window 'ghosts' might not be necessary. And it will not be
possible to have on wayland I guess.


KDE, ivan.cukic at kde.org, http://cukic.co/
gpg key id: 850B6F76

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