Minutes Monday Plasma Hangout

Sebastian Kügler sebas at kde.org
Mon Nov 23 13:06:56 UTC 2015

Present: bshah, jensreu, kbroulik, notmart, mgraesslin, obogdan, sebas
Date: November 23rd, 2015

- we have required qt5.5 packages for mobile
- maybe we are hitting : https://bugreports.qt.io/browse/QTBUG-46831
- needs further debugging and fixing
- I plan to build next IMG once this issue is fixed

- working on promo video for apps
- doing obscure print stuff
- sorting some social issues

- runtime-breakage of themes: should we renew the theme cache when the Plasma 
theme changes
- user switcher is broken, updateing plasma-workspace should fix it
- discussed in-app feature demo with Thomas Pfeiffer
- app-specific channels in plasma-pa would be nice to merge
- would be nice if pulseaudio did the right thing (use newly plugged device by 

- unhappy about unreviewed theme changes going into plasma-framework, caused 
breakage again
- interesting bugreport: there was a ton of eventFilters in plasmashell, 
should be fixed now, makes a huge performance difference in some cases (in 
plasma-framework, so will be in next release)
- ironing out theme switching bug
- some fixes in the lineedit component (used on phone)
- mobile controls branch: further cleaning up ( https://phabricator.kde.org/
D409 )

- latest intel driver in debian unstable works well again
- fixed some crashers in kwin_wayland (no known crashers now)
- worked a bit on screenlocker/wayland: multi-screen rendering is broken atm
- working on nested kwin_wayland to make debugging multiscreen easier
- plasma startup on wayland is leaky, injection through env vars is possible 
-- working on it with ximion
    - notes on startup: https://notes.kde.org/p/ksmserver
    - blogpost about session security: http://blog.martin-graesslin.com/blog/

- working on translations

- libkscreen in-process stuff ready to merge -- almostish (see: https://
git.reviewboard.kde.org/r/126101/ and http://vizzzion.org/blog/2015/11/
wayland-and-libkscreen-benchmarks/ )
- few adaptions to wayland backend, but already in pretty good shape
- do we want to propose our stuff to http://lists.freedesktop.org/archives/
wayland-devel/2015-November/025486.html ?


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