PIM Sprint this Weekend

Martin Steigerwald martin at lichtvoll.de
Wed Apr 8 07:06:05 UTC 2015

Am Mittwoch, 8. April 2015, 00:27:54 schrieb Vishesh Handa:
> On Wed, Apr 8, 2015 at 12:15 AM, Martin Steigerwald
> <martin at lichtvoll.de>
> wrote:
> > Wow, okay. I thought you removed mail indexing from Baloo as Akonadi
> > developers wanted to integrate it with Akonadi directly and I thought
> > that work wasn´t yet completed.
> > 
> > I mean mail search over Alt-F2, but also quick search bar in KMail
> > which works really nice in KDE SC 4.14 with Baloo as mail index.
> Slightly long answer -
> Baloo in Qt4 contained a separate file index, email index, contact index
> and calendar index.
> Baloo in Qt5 only does file searching.
> The email, contact, and calender searching parts were put in a repo
> called akonadi-search. Some parts of akonadi-search require Akonadi-Qt5
> (namely the indexer), the actual searching parts do not require it as
> they are just light wrappers over xapian. So one can theoretically
> write a runner for Plasma 5 without requiring Akonadi-Qt5.

So the Qt5 version of Akonadi will have search, and there is no need to 
wait for

> In Akonad-Next, search will be properly integrated, and Baloo will play
> no role.

in order for search to be available again?

I do think its good to have a feature complete, i.e. with search, Akonadi 
for Plasma 5, *before* Akonadinext is ready. Thats the sole point I am 
trying to make.

Cause I do think that taking a working full text mail search and index 
away from users for a longer time is such is not a wise idea. I know I 
certainly would miss it. A lot. (Well and I know I can help contribute to 
make that happen, but first I want to get started with the bug triaging to 
get some more experience.)

Martin 'Helios' Steigerwald - http://www.Lichtvoll.de
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