wallpapers on lock screen

Marco Martin notmart at gmail.com
Mon Oct 13 15:19:08 UTC 2014

On Monday 13 October 2014, Aleix Pol wrote:
> I understand that some people really like that idea though, I think the
> best would be to have some kind of checkbox in the wallpaper chosing dialog
> or lockscreen kcm that says use wallpaper for the lockscreen but I'm still
> afraid that this will complicate the code, given that it will require
> moving wallpaper-rendering code over to the l&f theme.

not really, just the lockscreen view would load the qml files used for system 
wallpapers now, and then they should just "automagically work" by default 
would just be the image wallpaper that by default uses the image specified in 
the plasma theme, so would still be l&f package dependent

Marco Martin

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