wallpapers on lock screen

Eike Hein hein at kde.org
Mon Oct 13 15:21:38 UTC 2014

On 13.10.2014 17:19, Marco Martin wrote:
> not really, just the lockscreen view would load the qml files used for system
> wallpapers now, and then they should just "automagically work" by default
> would just be the image wallpaper that by default uses the image specified in
> the plasma theme, so would still be l&f package dependent

And what if the user uses a slide show with a couple of custom
pictures? You'd need to both sync that config *and* what image
it's currently on, if the idea here is a smooth visual transi-
tion without perceived glitches.

And if not ... why add a hack that only works in a constrained
scenario instead of across the customization options we actually


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