Regressions in Plasma 5

Philipp A. flying-sheep at
Fri Nov 7 12:38:20 UTC 2014

2014-11-07 13:05 GMT+01:00 David Edmundson <david at>:

> If it's on bugzilla and marked as confirmed, it means we're going to do it.
> If it's on bugzilla and marked as invalid/wontfix it means we're not going
> to do it
> If it's on bugzilla and marked as unconfirmed, then we collectively suck.

hmm, if that’s the case, the widget porters should have filed those when
releasing their ports.

nobody knows better than them what they left out, and now it’s up to the
users to find and report them :/

other stuff is simply a design question: per-activity settings were
something implemented per individual KCM. are they being centralized or are
they simply gone? people who know such things could post them in e.g. to make us suck less.

2014-11-07 13:24 GMT+01:00 Marco Martin <notmart at>:

> And most important (just as a general reminder even tough that's not the
> case
> now),  if is *not* on bugzilla, it's going to be forgotten, so always make
> sure to report there the issues (other channels such as irc and
> mailinglists
> do a terrible job at issue tracking)

2014-11-07 13:21 GMT+01:00 Kai Uwe Broulik <kde at>:

> first of all, things like these belong directly into
> instead of on the ML because here things like that tend to be forgotten
> under the pile of mails that arrive daily.

people, seriously?

you might notice that i posted a bugzilla link for everything but one item.
why do you feel the need to tell *me* (who obviously has done his homework)
that knee-jerk response even if it doesn’t apply to me?

 Icon-only task manager has no option to open new instances via middle click.
>> Shift-click has been just implemented, though
> There's been a bit of discussion about what middle click should to, it has
> been agreed iirc that middle click will close the application to be
> consistent with all the other tabs (browsers, file manager, ...).
> Shift+Click will be the new launch new instance shortcut. There's also a
> bit of investigation going on to enable keyboard shortcuts such as Meta+1
> for the first item in tray, Meta+2 for the second, etc.

yeah. when i tried it, it wasn’t implemented, so naturally i yearned for
the thing i was used to: middle click. shift-click is more consistent, but
i use the task bar more often to start new instances than to close them.

well, i’ll have to live with having to use two hands for that now.

 No simple launcher plasmoid for one application.
> There is the icon plasmoid? Just drag an application onto the desktop and
> it will create a simple single icon for it.

oh! so intuitive for everyone but people who spent too much time with the
taskbar to try new things (this isn’t meant sarcastically, i really like it

i bet i’d have discovered that if it wasn’t KDE but something i don’t use

Best, Philipp
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