Multi-screen on Plasma Shell

Aleix Pol aleixpol at
Mon May 5 16:59:58 UTC 2014

As some of you know, I've been trying to polish the plasma shell usage on
two screens. It's a use-case I hit a lot given that I have 2 screens both
in the office and at home and I think it's really important to be on par
with Plasma 1 on this area, at least, especially if we want to be appealing
in the desktop world.

When I started to work on it, I got stuck when I wanted to figure out the
primary screens management [1]. It works well, but then there's important
API missing, so I decided to give a try to libkscreen. The reason behind it
is that I do believe that Qt's API should be fixed, but then I would like
Plasma Next to start shipping with an acceptable support of multiple
screens. My first approach can be found in the plasmashell+libkscreen

I've been testing it locally and it works quite well, it seems to do what
we want it to do and I'm committing to the approach.

Since it's a rather big change and it involves a new dependency, I decided
to send this e-mail first and ask for comments. If nobody is against it I
will merge it to master in a couple of days.


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