Notifications in Next

Sebastian Kügler sebas at
Mon Mar 24 15:49:14 UTC 2014

On Monday, March 24, 2014 16:17:32 Kai Uwe Broulik wrote:
> Would it be possible to keep notifications shown and have the timer start
> just on user interaction, so when you're not at your desk and come back you
> see pending notifications right away without missing them and they will
> then disappear after you started using the computer again? I think that's
> what plasma does/did with apps in auto-hide panels that demand attention.

That's the distinction between ephemeral and non-ephemeral notifications, no?

That means that notifications that are useful to the user even after a longer 
time should use that feature. There's a whole class of notifications where 
sticking around after a certain time isn't necessarily useful, for example I 
really hate it when 5 devices I use all warn me that I've missed an 
appointment (which I probably didn't even miss in reality, but just didn't 
dismiss in the calendar).

For longer text: Martin, can we sensibly line-break notifications and just make 
the popup higher? Long lines are a problem for readability, but more lines not 
so much. (I'm asking this because the notification bubbles might have fixed 
height and width right now, and whether it's reasonable to change that.)

sebas | | GPG Key ID: 9119 0EF9

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