FYI: multi-threaded rendering is disabled in Qt for all of mesa

Marco Martin notmart at
Mon Apr 28 16:34:34 UTC 2014

On Monday 28 April 2014, Martin Graesslin wrote:
> Given that we now have a setup used by most (Intel+Radeon) and a setup used
> by some (NVIDIA) users, it might make sense to switch to single-threaded
> by default. Investigating issues depending on whether single or multi
> threaded renderer will be used, sounds like lot of "fun" (works for me -
> oh are you using an NVIDIA?, Marco you are the only NVIDIA user, aren't
> you? Could you please look into it?)

i can test:
catalyst/radeonhd on a decent card
catalyst on a card from the middle ages

and yes, i would go single threaded for a couple of releases still (maybe with 
a runtime option for the brave?)

how can be disabled? only setting a variable? doesn't seem to exist a public 
api for that...

Marco Martin

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