Visual design for logout/login/lockscreen

Thomas Pfeiffer colomar at
Tue Apr 8 12:15:02 UTC 2014

On 08.04.2014 11:58, Jens Reuterberg wrote:
> Well the issue is that we have to start being careful what gets crammed in and
> if too much is crammed in how to hide it away.
> The point is that too many options visible would be problematic since the main
> point of a login is to have a place to pick user and to write in passwords.
> We could cheat and use an "advanced" button - but thats not really a very
> elegant solution unless done carefully.

Some login screens offer advanced options in relatively small buttons on 
the periphery (usually in some corner(s) of the screen). I think that 
works rather well because the focus of attention is on the center, so 
users won't even notice them unless they actively look for them (and 
then they're easier to find than if they're hidden behind some button).

> Oh and I did a really messy wireframe animation for the fade-to-desktop/splash
> animation where we build on the login screen. Just as an example of way to
> integrate the two.

Wow! I don't know if that's technically possible without a new/modified 
KWin effect, but if it is (or the new/modified effect would be created), 
I'd love to have that transition!

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