Battery Monitor revamp

kde at kde at
Fri May 24 08:05:35 UTC 2013

Hi there,

as some have already seen on my G+ page, I'm currently doing a  
complete UX revamp of the battery monitor plasmoid.

I have pushed my changes into the plasma/broulik/batterymonitor branch  
of kde-workspace. It requires recentmost kdelibs and Review Request  
A screenshot can be found here:

What's new:
  - Battery percentage is shown as a graph too
  - Battery type is determined and visually represented (ie. mouse  
battery has mouse icon)
  - Battery name and vendor is shown
  - Additional information such as capacity is shown. Can be further  
extended later to show eg. serial number or recall message
  - All batteries (primary, mouse, power supply and non-power-supply)  
are listed
  - Support for keyboard backlight brightness
  - AC Adapter plugged in is indicated by using the battery-charging  
icons for the batteries, if a battery is charging, it fades in and out  
smoothly. (So we get a distinction between "Oh noes my charger is  
broken" and "Oh my battery is not charging")

What's missing:
  - Remaining time. There is no "global" category anymore and since we  
discourage and removed the option for displaying remaining time, I  
didn't see the need to implement it in solod so we can show it in eg.  
the battery advanced properties
  - Suspend and resume buttons. Not sure where to put them.

What's broken:
  - Backlight controls detection (which is why that slider isn't shown  
in the screenshot). I tried to make the check work properly but didn't  
succeed so far. In current master it always returns true

I have not tested so far how it behaves on my desktop machine where  
there aren't any batteries. It all needs further testing. If somebody  
has an idea how to improve the backlight detection, suggestions are  
welcome. I already patched PowerDevil to not load the backlight  
controls action when it is not supported but the DBus check in the  
dataengine that determins whether it is supported or not always  
returns true.

Please test and give me feedback :-)


PS: I'm still not convinced on *not* using a Switch for the power  
management option.

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