Predictability in plasmapkg behavior

Aleix Pol aleixpol at
Wed Mar 13 18:01:26 UTC 2013

I'm just realizing that it ended up too long, so if you want to skip all
explanations, you can jump to the TL;DR, I won't be angry. :)

Today somebody approached me and asked me to install [1]. First I was happy
about somebody finally starting to make qml wallpapers (if you read me,
thank you :)), then I told him:
- Well, it's very easy, just use plasmapkg to install it.

First, it wasn't obvious for him how to do that (he's a hacker too, so
probably he could have known, but it's definitely not obvious). Anyway, I
told him to use "plasmapkg --install something.tgz". This seemed to work,
but then it didn't get listed.

After some investigation, I found out that the package is not correct. It
has a directory inside, that makes that the PlasmaStructure class can't
find the metadata.desktop file. Instead of failing, plasmapkg assumes that
it's plasmoid and installs the package in the plasma plasmoid directory
(something like .kde/share/apps/plasma/plasmoids) instead of the wallpapers
This leaves a successful execution, with only some warnings, but it

After some investigation, I figured out that -t wallpaperplugin did the
trick, and it was properly installed, for some reason.

- Assuming plasmoids is wrong, if we want plasmapkg to be for more things
than plasmoids.
- I'm unsure in what cases -t should be used. Is it only for bypassing
errors in the package?


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