QML Placces design discussion

Shaun Reich sreich at kde.org
Tue Feb 12 19:06:58 UTC 2013

On Tue, Feb 12, 2013 at 10:40 AM, Martin Gräßlin <mgraesslin at kde.org> wrote:

> Technical implementation aside: I think that makes absolute sense:
> * one vd by default
> * do not show pager for one vd
> * show pager if user uses more vds

i agree that showing the pager only for on vd is a bit weird. but the issue
i'd like to address is that if you make the pager invisible and not taking
up space, then when the user is browsing the widget explorer seeing what he
can add to the panel, he tries to add the pager widget, wondering what that
does. but no feedback is given for adding it, and so they add it 10 more

as mentioned in the rb, i've personally witnessed this happen, and this
seems to confuse people, because they have no idea they need to go into
system settings and set the virtual desktop to > 1. if it said so/told
them, i imagine that would be fine as well.

> Focus on technical implementation: I don't care much and cannot judge it,
> but
> my personal vote would be to just drop the pager from the default setup.

I agree on this, since I don't see virtual desktops being used by people
other than power users. After all, we've got activities and we should be
focusing/refining on that for the majority of our users.

i think that if we remove it from the default setup, we don't have to worry
about hiding the pager contents in the 1 vd scenario at all.

Shaun Reich,
KDE Software Developer (kde.org)
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