Plasma2 API review

Marco Martin notmart at
Tue Feb 12 09:57:41 UTC 2013

Hi, all
Yesterday there was a discussion with a couple of people about the API of the 
Applet class, to see what should be changed, what should be removed, how much 
we can manage to clean it up, and the result is a plan for an indeed massive 

I've started with some of the itemslisted there (removed remote support, that 
alone killed more than 300kb of library size)

Of course each one of those items is up for grabs :)  (just note it on the 
wiki if you do so)

We'll do other meetings like that for other classes (luckily Applet was 
probably the hardest one) so if someone is interested in torough (and boring 
:p) API reviews is welcome ;)

list of classes here:

will end up listing all the classes exported by libplasma2

Marco Martin

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