QML style guide

Ivan Čukić ivan.cukic at kde.org
Tue Oct 30 17:40:10 UTC 2012

> Personally I'm even against allowing it go in at all. It just clutters the
> code. It's not our task to cover up bugs in editors. If vim doesn't handle
> it, vim should be fixed. Also given that I'm not a vim user I would not
> know how many }}}}}} I have to place at a position or whether I have to
> change them when moving code around.

Vim doesn't *need* it to be a {{{, it can handle any other mark if you tell it 

For QML, there is no syntactic separator for the item groups, since the groups 
don't need to be separated.

Saying that it 'hides bugs' is almost the same as saying that separating 
source code into multiple files is hiding the bugs because you don't usually 
open all files in a project when editing one.

> Personally I also are against the Kate settings you find in some files. If
> someone needs that, that's fine with me, but it should not end up in the
> repository.

Longer QML files would benefit from having the comments above each section. 
Whether it has a special markup for folding, or not is not that important, but 
doesn't hurt to have it.*


* scene_opengl.cpp from kwin can be used as a beautiful example - it has 
headers which separate the files into parts that implement different classes.

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