dependency problem with logout from kde-runtime scriptengine

Sebastian Kügler sebas at
Sun Oct 28 22:45:14 UTC 2012


Context: I'm working on the QML/JavaScript scriptengine in kde-runtime right 
now to add all the features necessary to write full-featured desktop 
containments in QML, with the goal to port the desktop containment to QML. 
(More on the in my email "plans for Plasma Desktop default containment in QML" 
to this list.

I'm running into a dependency problem, while working on the toolbox actions. 
ToolBoxes are plugins, but as we're moving to a fully QML-based workspace, we 
need to be able to do everything from the QML runtime -- including logout 
(exemplary for other "workspace" features). Basically, my problem is that I'd 
like to call KWorkSpace::requestShutDown(); which is in the lib kworkspace, 
and which I /assume/ we can't use or depend on from kde-runtime.
For lockscreen, that's solved by using the org.kde.fdo dbus interface, but I 
haven't found a solution for the "request shutdown" (which shows the logout 
dialog on the desktop, and seems not relevant for Active as there the logout 
dialog is the same as the lockscreen).

I can only come up with seemingly less tasty solutions, such as:

1. add a DBus interface to plasma-desktop which allows us to trigger the 
logout dialog (maybe there already is such a thing, otherwise, I'm not sure we 
want to poke such a whole?)

2. Add a QML plugin to kde-workspace which has the necessary backend calls, 
and possibly a "DefaultToolBox.qml" which can be overridden or extended by 
other containments. The binary part would probably be quite small, maybe such 
a thing is useful, but then it's another dep on kde-workspace for Plasma 
Active. We could always move it into a commonplace together come Plasma-on-

3. Something I'm missing.

So what is wisdom?
sebas | | GPG Key ID: 9119 0EF9

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