dependency problem with logout from kde-runtime scriptengine

Aaron J. Seigo aseigo at
Mon Oct 29 11:01:31 UTC 2012

On Sunday, October 28, 2012 23:45:14 Sebastian Kügler wrote:
> I'm running into a dependency problem, while working on the toolbox actions.
> ToolBoxes are plugins, but as we're moving to a fully QML-based workspace,
> we need to be able to do everything from the QML runtime -- including

we don't need to do everything from the QML runtime. this is a fatal flaw 
virtually every other widget system has previously run into, and they end up 
with a (stupidly) huge API set that is baked into the bottom layers of the 
system and has all kinds of system-specific 
dependencies/requirements/assumptions as a result.

so .. what we tend to do is have the runtime be just, and only, that: a 
runtime that gets the component up and running and binds in the essential, 
generic API.

that includes things like DataEngines and Services ... which allow us to 
extend the available API dynamically without dependencies carried by the 
runtime itself.

> logout (exemplary for other "workspace" features). Basically, my problem is
> that I'd like to call KWorkSpace::requestShutDown(); which is in the lib
> kworkspace, and which I /assume/ we can't use or depend on from
> kde-runtime.

correct; and there should be no such code in kde-runtime anyways. this should 
be a Plasma::Service plugin which can be accessed from QML to trigger the 
right behaviour. that Service can then be platform specific if needed, shipped 
in kde-workspace or even not be on a system at all.

Aaron J. Seigo
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