Activities KCM

Ivan Čukić ivan.cukic at
Wed Aug 22 18:21:01 UTC 2012

Hi all,

What would you like to see configurable in activities?

Currently planned (and mostly finished):
 - plugins selection
 - choosing which applications' documents should be stored in
    history (all, none, choosing the specific ones [1]), for how long
 - clearing the history (like in firefox - with time interval choices)

General tab:

So far, the /general/ tab is planned to have the stuff already present in the 
activity switcher. [2,3]


At first, I wanted to add the per-activity selector for applications that 
should be tracked (like the one in [1], just for specific activity), but now 
I'm thinking it would be an overkill.

The second thing that was supposed to be in the general tab is activity 
encryption (again, a per-activity choice).

Now, I'm thinking it would be better to remove the General tab (or replace the 
content with something useful) and put the encryption choice (once I finish 
it) into the activity switcher. (though the space there is quite sparse)



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