Activities KCM

Marco Martin notmart at
Wed Aug 22 18:52:00 UTC 2012

On Wednesday 22 August 2012, Ivan Čukić wrote:
> Hi all,
> What would you like to see configurable in activities?
> Currently planned (and mostly finished):
>  - plugins selection
>  - choosing which applications' documents should be stored in
>     history (all, none, choosing the specific ones [1]), for how long
>  - clearing the history (like in firefox - with time interval choices)

i don't think there should be settings related to an individual activity,
or it causes quite a "disconnect"...
global stuff, like "i don't want any history of this application stored ever" 
is ok.

but at least things like create, delete or rename activities should be in the 
switcher, because should be doable in the least amount of time possible, and 
if is buried in systemsettings would make sure nobody uses activities ;)
on the other hand, making it available both from the explorer and in a kcm is 
quite confusing (and generates useless chrome)
 so i would really not have something like kamdsettings1.png

for extra settings like encryption or other future less used ones, i would add 
a single more "details" button in the activity switcher that lauches a form 
with all needed settings in a separate window (may even move all settings to 
that window?)

but not having a list of activities in systemsettings

Marco Martin

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