which is the roadmap of kdeplasma-addons repository?

Anne-Marie Mahfouf annemarie.mahfouf at free.fr
Tue Jun 14 19:01:48 CEST 2011

On Tuesday 14 June 2011 15:48:03 Giorgos Tsiapaliwkas wrote:
> Hello,
> After a discussion that i had with aseigo at the #plasma regarding the
> kdeplasma-addons repository i would like to share with you some of my
> thoughts.
> The repository exists for quite a bit,but it isn't very known which
> plasmoids are being there.Some questions that people can ask :
> Are there some extra plasmoids(official ones)?
> Are there plasmoids that being loved by the users and added
> there(unofficial ones)?
> Can the normal(not plasma developers) people add a plasmoid there?
> What i want to say is to "promote" this repository.
> Now,more than ever there are some facts which can make this repository
> very popular.QML,Qt5(heavy based on QML),plasma active,contour and
> with the mobile devices becoming so popular,
> it is time to reconsider how we will use this repository.
> I propose to check the repository first and reorder it.We can create
> some extra folders like "QML plasmoids","active plasmoids",etc and
> organize the existing plasmoids better.
> Then with some blog posts to promote the existence of the repository
> and the ability of plasma coders to add there their
> plasmoids,something like kde-apps.org.In kde-apps.org everyone is able
> to add there his plasmoid,when in kdeplasma-addons repository only
> some "chosen" plasmoids from the plasma devs will be added.
> Of course if this happen,each plasmoid must have its maintainer who
> would maintain it.If it is being decided we can provide also a
> bugzilla for each plasmoid,but the point is the maintainer to be very
> active in order to avoid a second failure of the bugzilla.Moreover
> this action will be good for the entire KDE community,since KDE is
> frameworks and not a desktop enviroment(you know what i mean:)),this
> can motivate more people to get involvrd with the framework part of
> KDE and less with the desktop enviroment.
> I am highly interested in helping refactoring the kdeplasma-addons
> repository.(Of course if it is being decided.)
> What do you think?
I think only needed (sort of mandatory, plasmoids that people expect to find) 
plasmoids should go to kdeplasma-addons i.e. we do not want 3 weather 
plasmoids or a Flickr Image plasmoid for example (when the Picture one has a 
FLickr option). Others will got to kde-apps.org where distros pick them when 
they think they are good for their users. Having new folders will be good.
Yes they should be maintained but in real life this is somewhat difficult.

Why don't we show our love of kdeplasma-addons by doing a 2 days quality check 
on the ones that are currently in before the 4.7 release? Quality check = 1) 
fix pending bug reports 2) check if the plasmoid currently works as expected.
We would use Community wiki for this, preparing bug reports to triage and have 
a check on non maintained applets.

This is something I did a few times in the past but I am a bit eaten by kids 
and family so I can't do it on my own. This is mainly for unmaintained applets 
so it's not big work but is important in my opinion.

Best regards,


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