the next step on the desktop

Nuno Pinheiro nuno at
Mon Jan 31 22:55:17 CET 2011

A Segunda, 31 de Janeiro de 2011 21:23:44 Steven Sroka você escreveu:
> On 31 January 2011 14:51, Aaron J. Seigo <aseigo at> wrote:
> > On Monday, January 31, 2011, Alex Fiestas wrote:
> >> So, if the situation is as bad as you think it is we should organize a
> >> sprint or something and try to fix the current freedesktop situation,
> > 
> > that would require GNOME developers attending with the same goal in mind.
> > unfortunately, they have demonstrated repeatedly during gnome-shell
> > devleopment that they have no intention to cooperate more. if anything,
> > they have demonstrated that they wish to work less with others (and not
> > just KDE, btw). no amount of development sprints can force such people
> > into a more sensible way of working, they have to want to do so on their
> > own.
> > 
> > it's a sad state of affairs, and very frustrating indeed, but at this
> > point the only answer i can think of is to find others to work with (as
> > we did in Canonical with status notifiers) and to discourage people from
> > using GNOME3, e.g. by providing something better.
> Discourage people from using GNOME 3, by making KDE even better (as
> stated above) and continue pushing it as a formidable desktop and not
> by outwardly and publicly criticizing GNOME devs attitudes. You are
> tip-toeing on a fine line. I say this politely :)
> BTW, why are GNOME devs so uncooperative? I keep hearing they are
> working with KDE...

Let me give you a small exmaple, wonce upon a time some gnome people decided 
that we needed a better naming schema for icons and created such a thing un 
der the fredesktop flag, along side they decided to create a icon theme in 
fredesktop to kill all other themes one for all....
KDE decided to use the same naming scheame but decided to do their hown theme, 
you know becouse we are difrent an all...and the fredesktop theme was in 
reality the gnome designers under a difrent unbrela...

so a few years passed  and the kde theme is by far way way more complete than 
the fredesktop theme.... and some users in gnome were actualy using it..... 
soo ..... they decided.... we crete a new subset of icons that are the same as 
the old ones and name them gtk-foo plus we will make gtk crach if gtk-foo is 
not there, funy stuf realy funny stuf.  

> > Aaron J. Seigo
> > humru othro a kohnu se
> > GPG Fingerprint: 8B8B 2209 0C6F 7C47 B1EA  EE75 D6B7 2EB1 A7F1 DB43
> > 
> > KDE core developer sponsored by Qt Development Frameworks
> > 
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