Fixing Notifications Plasmoid

Alex Fiestas alex at
Thu Jan 6 01:50:43 CET 2011

Hi there

As you may know, recently ereslibre and I have been working on the 
Notifications applet, basically fixing some behaviours in 
NotificationWidget/Dialog, changing some sizeHints etc... nothing big.

Despite that work, some other parts of the that plasmoid seems to be 
really broken, for example this is a comment I got in my blog:

Trying to reproduce the content of that pastebin, I got some similar 

In my opinion we should try to fix/improve this applet for KDE 4.6.0, 
the notifications are a big and important piece of our most basic user 
interface, all applications use them and we've had them broken for a few 
releaases now.

I can take a look to them but I think that we need some hardcore Plasma 
muscle to get them fixed for 4.6.0, anyone up for the job?


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