Opinion on config dialog for QML plasmoids

Marco Martin notmart at gmail.com
Wed Aug 17 20:52:14 UTC 2011

On Wednesday 17 August 2011, Aaron J. Seigo wrote:
> On Wednesday, August 17, 2011 12:00:13 Marco Martin wrote:
> > On Monday 04 July 2011, Viranch Mehta wrote:
> > me merged in master is the system kcms missing.an easy way would be
> > adding
> in the applet desktop file what kcms it needs,
> that could be the easy way to do it, but i wouldn't be against adding them
> to the .desktop file. see attached untested patch.

i would say ship it (well, after is tested :p)

> how configuration from applets happens really needs to be re-examined in
> libplasma2. what we have now is great for a QWidget world and a monolithic
> kdelibs. in the modularized world of the future(tm) and with things being
> in QML, the current approach is not the bets and perhaps not every really
> workable.
> something that i need to look into and whch we will probably need to make
> some hard decisions about.

what i think it should be done is:

* still support the setup pages like this, included kcms.
* with some way to advertise it, qml applets will provide qml files as 
configuration pages.
* the config dialog will be as now, but in the page loads a qgraphgicsview, 
with the config page qml being shown there
* kconfigxt is used as now, the qml root object exposes one property per 
config value, so still as magic as usual kconfigxt but a bit more smart since 
a bit more javascript can be tapped into

how does this sound? and does seem feasible enough? 

Marco Martin

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