irc meeting on the 22nd: git workflow, git and kdebase-workspace

Aaron J. Seigo aseigo at
Tue Nov 23 18:14:40 CET 2010

On Tuesday, November 23, 2010, Artur de Souza wrote:
> Quoting "Aaron J. Seigo" <aseigo at>:

> > b) plans for kdebase-workspace moving to git (explaining why i've CC'd
> > kwin dev list)
> Just some follow up: it seems that KO is going to sponsor somebody
> (most likely eean) to convert kdelibs and kdebase to git. Regarindg

i'll see if i can invite one of them to join us in that case.

> kdebase, I'm not sure what the plans are: one git for kdebase or split
> into kdebase-runtime, kdebase-workspace, kdebase-apps. The only

personally, i'd like to see 3 repos. it might make life less enjoyable for 
those building the software (kdesrc-build to the rescue?) or packaging it, but 
they are really 3 different subdivisions and we've had our moments of struggle 
to ensure build deps between them don't creep in, etc.

but we can discuss this more tomorrow at the meeting.

> But from my POV this is a very important step: once we have kdelibs
> and kdebase into git, it will be way easier to migrate all the other
> stuff (people would even fell compelled to convert). If we discover


> IMHO the important step is to get everything into git and then adapt
> and fix with our day-to-day experience on that matter. (What I'm

iow: get it done, even if it means risking not getting it perfect right at the 
start. yes, i agree :)

> > c) the workflow we'd like to adopt within the plasma community now that
> > we have git
> This is going to be nice and I expect that the workflow will improve

i hope so :)

> :) As a sub-topic of (c) may I add how we can point people how to
> properly write commit messages that makes everybody else's life easier
> for reading the commit log and creating the changelogs (specially our
> dear maintainer's life) ? :) There are some tricks like a message
> template for git that when you commit it shows up this template in
> your favourite editor.

yes, we should document these things, either in the generic "KDE and git" wiki 
pages or our own "Plasma and git" pages

Aaron J. Seigo
humru othro a kohnu se
GPG Fingerprint: 8B8B 2209 0C6F 7C47 B1EA  EE75 D6B7 2EB1 A7F1 DB43

KDE core developer sponsored by Qt Development Frameworks
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