irc meeting on the 22nd: git workflow, git and kdebase-workspace

Artur de Souza asouza at
Tue Nov 23 10:20:06 CET 2010

Quoting "Aaron J. Seigo" <aseigo at>:
> a) status of git migration of kdeplasma-addons (pretty much ready  
> fwiu, thanks
> to artur)

\o/ :)

> b) plans for kdebase-workspace moving to git (explaining why i've CC'd kwin
> dev list)

Just some follow up: it seems that KO is going to sponsor somebody  
(most likely eean) to convert kdelibs and kdebase to git. Regarindg  
kdebase, I'm not sure what the plans are: one git for kdebase or split  
into kdebase-runtime, kdebase-workspace, kdebase-apps. The only  
request of KO was to avoid bikesheding regarding this matters.  
Probably they are going to talk about this on kde-scm and sorry if  
this was already discussed and I'm just not up to date with the  
decisions :P

But from my POV this is a very important step: once we have kdelibs  
and kdebase into git, it will be way easier to migrate all the other  
stuff (people would even fell compelled to convert). If we discover  
that the layout of the repository wasn't good enough then we can  
change (for example monolithic kdebase vs split kdebase).

IMHO the important step is to get everything into git and then adapt  
and fix with our day-to-day experience on that matter. (What I'm  
trying to say is: let's take this opportunity and let the one doing  
the job decide what he thinks it's better - with the feedback from the  
community - and then it's easier to do whatever we want once it's  
already converted).

> c) the workflow we'd like to adopt within the plasma community now that we
> have git

This is going to be nice and I expect that the workflow will improve  
:) As a sub-topic of (c) may I add how we can point people how to  
properly write commit messages that makes everybody else's life easier  
for reading the commit log and creating the changelogs (specially our  
dear maintainer's life) ? :) There are some tricks like a message  
template for git that when you commit it shows up this template in  
your favourite editor.

Cheers and thanks for bringing this up :)


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