Review Request: Load webslice params from desktop file

Petri Damstén petri.damsten at
Sat Mar 20 07:39:13 CET 2010

On Friday 19 March 2010 17:51:04 Aaron J. Seigo wrote:
> it doesn't address similar issues such as:
> * "how can i ship custom data with my c++ plasmoid in a way that's easy to
> get at" (having a package would solve that)

What makes a package? I see a desktop file in a zip a bare minimum package. 

I think that package() should return valid pointer in C++ if it's launched 
with desktop file under plasma/plasmoids/ so other files can be accessed too.
> * "what does a package that customizes a plasmoid like this look like?"
> (it's not really a plasma/applet, is it? imagine if we had 900 comic strip
> plasmoids showing up ;)

There are several plasmoids in to some web services written in 
scripting languages. These could be done just by writing a desktop file to 
webslice. From user point of view I think they are separate applets.

For comic, weather, etc. those are separate data sources and so dataengine is 
better suited for those? 

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