Javascript and notifications help

asdfgh ertyhn alanis.elise at
Fri Mar 19 20:54:00 CET 2010

Good evening folks,
I'm trying to use the notifications service within my javascript plasmoid in order to display a nice popup notification on certain events,
but I'm stuck with its initialization. Looking at the API ( service(string dataEngineName, string sourceName) ), I wrote something like:

job = service("notifications",)

but then I was stuck on the meaning of the second parameter. Could you explain what you mean with "sourceName" please?
Furthermore, looking at the sources of the notification dataengine, I'll need to pass a variable with lots of strings referring to:
the icon to be shown, the app name, summary, body, actions and expired timeout. How i can do that ?
Last question: how can I start the notification ?
Please reply to my email, since I'm not subscribed to your ml, thank you.
Best regards,

-- Alanis
Hotmail: Powerful Free email with security by Microsoft.
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