Javascript and notifications help
Aaron J. Seigo
aseigo at
Fri Mar 19 21:20:31 CET 2010
hi Alanis ...
On March 19, 2010, asdfgh ertyhn wrote:
> I'm trying to use the notifications service within my javascript plasmoid
> in order to display a nice popup notification on certain events, but I'm
you know, this is a "funny" topic: it's not something i figured would be
overly critical but it's something a lot of people want to do from their
javascript plasmoid. so i had (obviously mistakenly) delayed this feature
until the 4.5 release this summer (Javascript API v2).
short story: there is no good way of doing it right now.
longer story: i or someone likes me needs to write a small C++ Service plugin
(does not need to be related to a data engine at all, in fact, though it
probably could make sense as part of the Notifications engine as well) to do
sorry for the horrible news. :/
> stuck with its initialization. Looking at the API ( service(string
> dataEngineName, string sourceName) ), I wrote something like:
> job = service("notifications",)
> but then I was stuck on the meaning of the second parameter. Could you
> explain what you mean with "sourceName" please? Furthermore, looking at
the source name is what the entry is called in the DataEngine. the idea is
you have a DataEngine and your are connected to one of the pieces of
information it provides. in the Hotplug engine (which announces events like
when you plug in a USB stick, for instance) this might be a disk drive.
then you want to interact with it. in the Hotplug engine case, maybe you want
to request that the disk be mounted. at that point you ask for the service for
that source, and you do so by asking the DataEngine to give you a service for
the source by that name.
a concept we don't have is a "default service" for a DataEngine: you always
need to ask for the service for a given source.
in the case of a service-without-a-source, as in the case of notifications,
one can ask directly for a Service without going through a DataEngine.
for notifications, that Service needs to be written still.
Aaron J. Seigo
humru othro a kohnu se
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