On Plasmate's previewer

Chani chanika at gmail.com
Sat Mar 6 17:10:51 CET 2010

On Fri, Mar 5, 2010 at 8:32 PM, Yuen Hoe Lim <yuenhoe86 at gmail.com> wrote:
>> still, it can happen. what i'd suggest for now is not showing the preview
>> by
>> default and leaving that up to the developer to start by pressing the
>> preview
>> button.
> That'll be kinda bleahh though. I think a user would always always want the
> previewer to be present, except in that one rare situation I brought up, and
> its kind of a hassle imo to have an extra click to activate the previewer
> before starting to work all the time. Might it make sense to instead add a
> 'load project without previewer' option in the project manager dialog?

meh, that sounds ugly.
maybe you can use crash detection to not autoload the preview if
plasmate crashed last time. :)  ..but since plasmate doesn't
auto-restart on crash like plasma does I'm not sure how much effort
that'd take.

> Speaking of extra clicks during start up, I think we should scrap the
> 'select a file to edit' thing and instantly open the main script file when a
> project is loaded. Think I'll go add that to the (growing) fit and finish
> list..

+1 :)
that or whatever file(s) were open when the project was closed. but
hte main script is probably where people want to start 99% of the time

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