On Plasmate's previewer

Yuen Hoe Lim yuenhoe86 at gmail.com
Sat Mar 6 17:38:23 CET 2010

> meh, that sounds ugly.
> maybe you can use crash detection to not autoload the preview if
> plasmate crashed last time. :)  ..but since plasmate doesn't
> auto-restart on crash like plasma does I'm not sure how much effort
> that'd take.

A possible easy though 'hackish' way to do this would be to get Plasmate to
set some sort of (file-based?) flag on successful quit. If Plasmate crashes
or otherwise exits abnormally the flag would not be set, so at next startup
we know and can be careful about showing the previewer. Think this would

Jason "moofang" Lim Yuen Hoe
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