Plasma-Netbook Mockups

Chani chanika at
Fri Apr 9 23:10:48 CEST 2010

> > 
> > The window’s actions on the right are already implemented as a plasmoid
> > and there is no need to show the minimize button: if you want to switch
> > between applications you just do it, if you want to go to an activity
> > you just use the panel for that and if you want to close, the button is
> > there. In your mockup you’re duplicating the functionality: the same
> > action can be triggered by the list of windows and in the right side of
> > the panel.
> No, it's not duplication. Here's why: In my proposal the menu allows to
> hide the whole application = all windows at once.
> The Minimize button only hides the active window. If you're running only
> single-window apps, it does not make a difference, but if an app has
> multiple windows, it is a difference.

while I can see this being handy for something like Qt Designer, it'd be a 
PITA for something like a web browser or okular. I don't care that all my .pdf 
files are open in something called "Okular", I care about getting to the 
document about magical ponies :)

and guess which sort of app Joe Sixpack is more likely to be using...

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