Dot article on activities needed, maybe more?
Alexis Ménard
menard at
Tue Apr 6 02:09:48 CEST 2010
I think for the Plasma-Mobile work we communicate quite well, total of
4 blog posts right after the event. And one more after Bossa (2 weeks
after Tokamak).
I agree that Sebas should not be alone for it. I'm really bad to write
articles (i'm a dev) but if someone need videos/picture of
Plasma-Mobile on the N900 just drop me an email.
Anyway thanks to people.
On Mon, Apr 5, 2010 at 9:52 PM, Chani <chanika at> wrote:
> a funny thing... it actually wasn't until the end of tokamak 3 that I realised
> it was someone in plasma writing the dot articles for tokamak. I guess I
> assumed that magical fairies did all that writing ;)
> now, I can be rather oblivious to simple things like that at times... so maybe
> it's just me... but it seems like the "we need dot articles" thing could have
> been communicated more clearly, earlier. skimming back through archives, I
> don't see any threads on this mailing list mentioning the need to write
> tokamak4 dot articles around the time tokamak4 ended. and asking people who
> are already overwhelmed to do more things doesn't work very well.
> may I suggest that next tokamak, someone asks the mailing list for volunteers
> to write articles? I mean, it doesn't guarantee responses, but surely it can't
> hurt...
> ..
> for that matter, do we have a laundry-list of "things that have to be done for
> a sprint" anywhere? ... erg. we have a stub, and a blog link:
> it's about how to start a sprint, not about how to finish it... hmmm.
> --
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