
David Nolden zwabel at googlemail.com
Sat Jun 6 15:18:50 CEST 2009

Am Samstag 06 Juni 2009 14:58:47 schrieb Artur Souza(MoRpHeUz):
> Please guys, let's not make a storm in a cup of water: let's choose one
> behavior and see if users opens too many bugs for it and we fix it in the
> next versions. Don't fight with each other for a plasmoid's feature :)
That's not how it can work. Everyone who is clever enough to file a bug-report 
is also clever enough to change the config-file.

It's about delivering the best we can to everyone, without configuration, and 
not just those who know how to help themselves.

And it's also about "decision making" in a "community". I'm asking myself why 
we even discussed this whole issue when the result of the discussion doesn't 
play the slightest role.

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