FrameSvg corruption [a bit urgent]

Ivan Čukić ivan.cukic at
Thu Jan 15 13:25:12 CET 2009

Hi guys,

I have a problem affecting both 4.2 branch and the trunk.

I'm getting corrupted painting of FrameSvgs in Lancelot and have absolutely no 
idea why.

I became aware of the problem thanks to the forum post [1] and the screenshot 
[2]. It all worked well for me until I cleared the plasma-svgelements cache, 
and now I too get the corrupted drawing.

The most peculiar thing is that the first time, it paints correctly (at least 
on my system), then after changing the element prefix, and then changing it 
back again, it paints badly.

The only thing changed since Lancelot 1.0, as far as the painting of the 
background is concerned, was switching on the cacheAllRenderedFrames... and 
this is *not* causing the problem, I've just tested it.

Any help appreciated, cheerio!


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   -- Herm Albright

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