
Chani chanika at
Thu Feb 19 00:22:12 CET 2009

> 	* savable containments: save / restore to file individual containments or
> entire layouts; both locally for later restoration as well as external
> export for sharing with others.

is this really enough work for a soc project?

btw, when I was thinking about it during tokamak, I realised that stashing 
them locally is easiest to do by simply leaving them in the appletsrc with a 
flag to disable them - no need to go mucking about with files. sharing with 
other people would be different, of course. :)

> 	* a new widget explorer that supports both our own widgets as well as
> others more seamlessly
you find those notes yet? ;)

some more ideas:

*contextmenu plugins, although I'm planning to write a proposal for that ;)

*would a proper dbus interface be enough work? maybe combined with a runner 
that offers an easier interface for people who like typing

*security (assuming I don't get to any of it)

*a more flexible icon plasmoid (would that be enough work, though?)

*zui improvements (at the very least, I'm sick of having "add activity" in 
every activity, and savable containment stuff will need a home in the UI)

*configurable keyboard shotcuts? no, that's not enough work...

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