Review Request: Use libplasmaweather in Weather Wallpaper

Petri Damstén petri.damsten at
Wed Apr 15 00:16:01 CEST 2009

On Wednesday 15 April 2009 01:02:53 Andrew Coles wrote:
>  i) Geolocation is compulsary, so if it uses IP localisation I'll get the
> weather for 200 miles away.  A manual override would be useful (i.e. the
> old behaviour).

It only tries gets the location if source is not configured. User can 
configure it manually like before.

> ii) The GPS geolocation backend doesn't return a city name, only lat/long
> data.  Can libplasmaweather still get a weather report in this case?  I
> know the geonames service will do it*, but is this configured as a weather
> source?

I think this should be added to geolocation dataengine and libplasmaweather 
would use it without any modifications.


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