Status of multi-monitor support

Aaron J. Seigo aseigo at
Thu Oct 9 20:45:47 CEST 2008

On Thursday 09 October 2008, Aike J Sommer wrote:
> Im not really sure what the next steps should be. It shouldnt be that much
> work to get kephals signals hooked into plasma, but where should i start
> with that? Create a copy of plasma(-the-app) in playground? Or only work
> locally and send diffs to the list?

can we possibly just work on the shell directly in kdebase? i guess that 
depends on how risky it all is ...

> It would be nice to get some additional testing on different setups in,
> since im sure that there will be issues coming up!

yes, and that will only happen by merging it into kdebase

> Plus im really not gifted with creating good looking interfaces, which
> heavily effects the applet! ;-)

how much is the applet required to make kephal useful for plasma? can kephal 
be used as just a notifier of screen layouts, or does it also need to manage 
them? if it can be used as just a notifier (what we have now with 
QDesktopWidget, right?) then perhaps we can start there and add control to it 
later with a nice pretty widget.

"later" might still be soon enough to make it into 4.2.0, or it might not.

> And: What would be needed for a 4.2 release? I still havent gotten around
> to creating a kcm-module

i guess my question about about control vs notification comes into play here as 

> and legacy xinerama is missing too! (theres always
> the QDesktopWidget-fallback, so it really shouldnt make things worse)

by "there's always the QDesktopWidget-fallback" do you mean that internally 
kephal falls back to using QDesktopWidget? if so .. then improving legacy 
xinerama (by replacing QDesktopWidget in that case) is something that can 
happy later, as it won't cause any further regressions over what we currently 
deal with.

Aaron J. Seigo
humru othro a kohnu se
GPG Fingerprint: 8B8B 2209 0C6F 7C47 B1EA  EE75 D6B7 2EB1 A7F1 DB43

KDE core developer sponsored by Qt Software

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