KDE 4.2 Toolbars

Matthias Fuchs mat69 at gmx.net
Thu Nov 13 00:26:18 CET 2008

Sebastian Kügler schrieb:
> In 4.0, we switched on text under icons, and were afraid first that not too 
> long labels might become a problem. At least for the English version, that's 
> not a problem (anymore). Most apps actually seem to have some space left in 
> the toolbars.

I guess you have some space left, because you are running the apps in
fullscreen as maybe most people do.

I think it is important that the toolbar is not much wider than the
menu-bar. That way you can work very well with non-maximized windows, in
fact if you only take this both bars into account.

A bad example -- that has nothing to do with KDE! -- imo would be
Thunderbird with a very wide toolbar. Maybe there are such examples,
beside Akregator_de, in KDE. If there are we should find them.

@Aaron your blog post on KMail made me try it again after a long break. :)

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