plasma, panels, colours

Nuno Pinheiro nuno at
Sat Nov 8 02:01:57 CET 2008

A Friday 07 November 2008 22:53:24, Aaron J. Seigo escreveu:
> On Friday 07 November 2008, Marco Martin wrote:
> > it's still work in progress, the margins are slightly wrong, and will
> > make normal and iconified ones maybe a bit more different but i think
> > it's already a bit more happy :)
> yes, this is a nice step in the right direction imho. it really doesn't
> solve the issue of not being able to see the other task buttons, the system
> tray, the pager, etc.. so while this is an interesting improvement, it also
> doesn't deal with the base issue.
> namely that not having any distinction between the background and the
> foreground makes it all background.
> if you can, imagine how much better it would look if there was some
> contrast in hue such that each component can be clearly seen instead of one
> big muddle.
> right now i'm sitting in a room where the sun in coming through the windows
> and i honestly can't see very well half the dividing areas on the panel,
> e.g. the systray, the pager, the tasks.
> the idea of giving these things nice borers is really great, now we just
> need to be able to actually *see* them.
> right now it's too subtle. and not only the selected window. every item.

it was way stronguer in the beguning user feed back made me tone it down
any way its very easy to make it stronguer just removing the apha again :) 

> the selected window was a specific example; you've addressed that by adding
> some contrast. now we just need a *general* solution for all the other
> boundaries that remains subtle but increases definition.
> alter the background a bit so it isn't a block depressing black isn't
> exactly astounding or rocket science.

ok ok i will see what we can do about that :)

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